Here are the Christmas recipes I particularly liked - didn't make a note of the link to the website where I found them I'm afraid.
Cranberry Sauce by RoseLee Calabro
2 C fresh cranberries
1 orange
1 apple
1 C dates
water for consistency
Process cranberries, orange, apple and dates in a blender and serve.
Parsnip-Avocado SoupThis cold and creamy dish is a lot like gazpacho but made with parsnips and avocados which are both a very healthy substitutes for the traditional holiday meal.
1 large parsnip, grated (unless using a K-tec or Vitamix then you can just cut it up)
1/2 water or celery juice
1 large stalk peeled celery, cut up
1/4 avocado
2 teaspoons flaxseed oil
squeeze of lemon juice (optional)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt (optional)
In a blender blend parsnip and liquid until smooth. Add remaining ingredients, blend until smooth.
StuffingFrom the Sprout Café in Atlanta, this tastes just like traditional turkey stuffing to me. I top this with marinara sauce to give it a bit more moisture.
2 cloves garlic, chopped fine
2 Tablespoons fresh sage
2 Tablespoons rosemary
2 Tablespoons fresh thyme
2 cups walnuts, soaked 12 hours and drained
2 cups almonds, soaked 12 hours and drained
1 Tablespoon organic unpasteurized white miso
1 large onion, chopped very fine
6 stalks celery, chopped fine
1 cup parsley sprigs (as garnish)
1 cup cranberries (as garnish)
1. Place garlic in a food processor and process well.
2. Add sage, rosemary, and thyme, processing well.
3. Add walnuts, almonds, and miso, one at a time and process well.
4. Remove to a bowl and stir in onion and celery.
5. Place on a sheet of Teflex and form into an oval loaf shape. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 6 hours.
6. Remove and turn loaf over, removing the Teflex sheet from the bottom. Dehydrate for 4 to 6 hours more.
7. Garnish with parsley and cranberries
- by Alissa Cohen