Friday, 29 January 2010


I just signed in to find a comment from Steve in Chicago - please make sure you read it! It is in response to my cousin and immunosuppression. The reasons for not risking any raw food are completely understandable. Steve, if you are reading this, thank you so much for your post - I don't seem to be able to comment on my own blog for some reason. It is so interesting that you ate raw food just one week after your transplant. I really would like to encourage my cousin to read into it.

Here is a link to Steve's page. It is a beautifully told story and makes me realise the power of gratitude...

I also forgot to say that another local restaurant made me a gorgeous raw meal on Monday night. They gave me a beautifully presented guacacmole decorated with shredded cucumber, and a mixed salad. All my family seemed very impressed. Also, at the Chinese restaurant I mentioned, the lady asked me about my diet and asked if I had been to The Malt House, as the guy from there had come in and they must have got talking as he had told her he had catered for a raw vegan the weekend before! I told her that raw vegan was me! So that is 3 restaurants in Bognor open to it! Even though it is a small town the thought that the idea of raw veganism could spread around town is really quite exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy!

    Thank you so very much for noting my comment, and posting about my little website honoring my donor... It means an awful lot to me. At the end of February -- I get to hang with #15, 12, 8, 7, 4 & 2... Kari was #13 on her high school volleyball team -- she was a star middle hitter. Six of her teammates are coming to Chicago from Iowa & Minnesota just to climb with me... They're like precious surrogate daughters to me... About the most special thing in the world to me is telling other people about Kari -- keeping her smile and her spirit alive. Thanks for helping me do that!

    And I actually wish I had the patience and discipline to eat as you are -- the knowledge one develops eating like you do -- learning how to get the appropriate amounts of protein and other nutrients from a raw plant based diet is quite a wonderful thing... Maybe you'll inspire me to bring a little more of that into my diet...

    The funny thing is that before transplant, with my cystic fibrosis and the raging infections in my lungs -- I needed to eat a very high calorie diet -- I needed to pound down 3,500 or more calories daily to put on some pounds gradually -- I was 5'6" and 110 pounds... The last thing in the world I wanted was salad -- if I bothered with a vegetable, it was just wasting space in my stomach unless it was smothered in cheese or butter... Post transplant -- I LOVE salads -- but the first few years we were very careful about washing the lettuce and other raw veggies... We actually had to soak them in a lemon juice solution and take a vegetable brush to every, freakin' leaf -- salads were a little labor intensive. Now, we pretty much just soak them for 5 minutes in a bowl with, maybe 1-2 quarts water and 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice... That's how we deal with most of the raw fruits & veggies I would eat... Ironically -- since starting to do that before we store them in the fridge, they tend to last substantially longer...

    Thank you again for noting my response and website...

    Love, Steve


Thanks so much for your comment! Raw love from Amy x x