Hello, I'm back, so sorry I haven't done a post for so long!
As it's been a whole week I'll do an e-zine type summary:
Things I've made this week:Almond milk - my first! Flavoured with cacao and fresh mint. Not too much added and no sweetener - was very refreshing.
Ice cream - I made the mixture last week using almond pulp from the almond milk I made, and added it to Kate Magic's 'Kate's Chocolate Cinnamon Bread' recipe. (I didn't dehydrate it into bread because I realised it probably wasn't a good idea to put it in the dehydrator with savoury tomato flax crackers and curry flavour crackers) so I froze it and made ice cream by pushing the frozen mixture through the juicer. It tasted ok but needed to be more sweet. I added raisins as the cinnamon gave me the idea of a rum and raisin ice cream. So an interesting experiment.
Tahini Dip - using avocado, tahini, onion, lemon juice and the tomato and cucumber pulp from the juicer.
Tomato crackers - which turned out to be good texture for wraps. Soaked flax, tomatoes and onion, blended.
Curry crackers - Kate Magic's 'Fire Wizard' crackers with curry powder, purple corn and using soaked whole flax seed.
Vegetable juice using any variety of greens I have in. My fave remains that which includes tomato and parsley.
Favourite ingredients at the moment are: onion - use to give a lift to many savoury things - for example my tomato and coconut curry. I think it tastes way better than to layer curry powder and spices on top of the raw ingredients.
lemon juice - also gives a lift to any savoury dish and any green juice. Getting through about two a day at the moment.
Tips Identify your favourite easy, satisfying recipes which you find yourself making a lot. Make sure you always have their ingredients. Chances are you usually do have them if it's something you make frequently. I have am building up a good collection of easy peasy dishes which are really satisfying, quick to make, and incidently cheap and alkalizing too! Will do a separate post on my favourites soon.
Use pulp from the juicer in dips.
Other thingsJogging! Got some running shoes last Sunday which are brilliant.
Went to farmers' market Friday - they have now got a vacuum packer so I could buy a bigger order this time. I decided to get mostly groats this time. Got some info from another stall about making compost. Will see if I my dad will let me have a composting bin. By the way, he has applied for an allotment!! It's a two year waiting list apparently, but still, I was thrilled! He kept that one quiet!
I also visited Just Organics in Arundel today and stocked up on dried pulses. You can refill your own containers which is great. And they had some raw organic buckwheat which I hadn't seen before. I plan to sprout both oats groats and buckwheat to make some snack bars and possibly a crumble topping ...
The vegetable garden also going well. Can see my first tomatoes!! And am having the chard in morning juice. The courgettes don't seem to be getting very big before they start to shrivel ...
I am more aware now, since reading The pH Miracle, of acidity and alkalinity. Veg juice in the morning sets me up so well for the day, and I have cut down on habitual (acid) sugar intake, mostly at breakfast. However I still have sugar binges, such as fruit salad the other night and a load of raisins tonight! Hmm.
PhotosHere are some photos of things from the week:

Tomato wraps in the dehydrator; My first tomatoes; Flower on courgette plant; Mum's fruit salad;