Just spent ages fiddling with the layout and colours of my blog but I am finally happy with it now! For the time being anyway!!
What I should have been doing is recording the new tomato and coconut curry sauce I made yesterday. I used to love this cooked recipe - wheat-free veg pasta, with aduki beans and spinach and a tomato and coconut butter sauce. Funnily enough the last time I made this version when I had a cooked food craving, I burnt it. I don't need to worry about that anymore now I have created the raw version!! I haven't had coconut butter in a while and I forgot how comforting and somehow warming it is even when cold. Of course it could also be actually warmed if you want.
The raw version has become a creamy curry sauce with lots of tomato. It is really mild and sweet which is just how I wanted it, and looks and feels and tastes exactly like something you'd get in a tandoori, without all the yucky stuff.
1 tbsp coconut butter
4 tomatoes
1/2 bag of spinach
1 tomato
1 1/2 tsp food processed white onion
1/4 - 1/2 tsp curry powder
In the blender, blend the coconut butter and 3 of the tomatoes. Put into a bowl. In the food processor, finely chop all the other ingredients except the onion. Drain off excess water and add to the bowl with the coconut and tomato sauce.
Now finely chop an onion in the food processor and add 1 and 1/2 tsp of it to the mixture. Stir in curry powder to taste.
This made only a very small portion for 1, but the base ratio is good.
I tried it as a sauce for cashews, mushrooms and aduki beans but wasn't sure about any of them. Cashews worked best. Any ideas on what this could be served with anyone?
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Thanks so much for your comment! Raw love from Amy x x