Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Exciting news

My boyfriend and I are going to a 2 day class next weekend with Russel James, The Raw Chef, who lives in my home town of Bognor Regis!! I am so excited and can't wait to meet him. The class is called 'How To Be Your Own Raw Food Chef ... and Still Have Time To Eat It'. The kinds of things we'll be doing look brilliant. I can't believe it is finally coming around - I am so excited!!!!!!!


The other exciting thing is that I got an email from my sister - she said she would definitely like to give it a go eating more raw as I seemed to be so happy doing it! That made me really happy as I believe so strongly that everyone can benefit from raw!!!!


  1. Hi Amy
    Just seeing if this works. Thanks for the chat, have just started my own file...
    Love Michele xxx

  2. It works! No problem Michelle - thanks for your comment, my first comment on my blog, how exciting!! Speak to you soon x x x

  3. Really loving all your info and recipies Amy, you are so clever!! not actually incorporating any recipies as such but just sprouting some beans - so there is hope!!
    Hope number for Westside helped....your weekend does sound amazing!
    Anyway Miss Inspirational keep up the pace..!
    With Love Michele xxx


Thanks so much for your comment! Raw love from Amy x x